Have a question, Check the FAQs
Your query may be instantly resolved

01 What is my login id?

Your official email id and default password?

02How can I reset my password if I forget?

Click on forgot password and you will get a reset link on your registered email id

03 How to login on the mobile platform?

Download the app from Play Store or App store and login using your credentials

04 My login is showing suspended

You may have not logged in to your account for the last 15 days, and therefore your account has been suspended. Please send a message and we will get it resolved. And going forward, please do login regularly

05 How do I interact with fellow learners and ask questions?

There is a forum where you could interact with the learning community. Each course also has a discussion forum, which you could use to post your comments, ask questions and discuss what you have learnt.

06 Are there any paid courses?

No, all the courses are free for now

07How can I submit my suggestion for improvement of the platform?

You can use the message form to send it to us, or write to us at steps@shreecement.com

08 How can I create content or conduct training programmes?

Reach out to the learning team, to select a topic of your choice from the list of Training needs, we will work with you to build content and organise your sessions.

09 Will we continue to have live online sessions?

Yes, we will. Online session on webex will continue, in addition we will be conducting sessions on the zoom platform which is integrated with your account.

10 What are case studies and projects?

Case Studies are details of experiments done in the plant, or solutions to certain problems that may have occurred.
Projects include selected reports of Management and Engineering students who have done their internship in our organisation.

11 How can I Login to Steps powered by Edcast?

Please click on the Login button on the footer, it will take you directly to the login page. You could also click on this link: Edcast

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